One of the most well written posts I've read in a while.

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Super insightful advice. Just curious (and clueless) - could you provide specific examples of companies or situations where "lightning strike releases" (pt. 7) worked very well? I'd love to know exactly how a strategy like that looks.

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Read play bigger by Christopher lochhead - I think there's a chapter on lighting strikes..

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I've led a bunch of strikes and would be happy to walk you through the strategy and some effective tactics. In addition to the excellent book that Prasanna K mentions, Christopher Lochead also has a few podcast episodes that help explain it. See the episode on Peanut Butter plus Lightning sandwich, or reach out to me on LinkedIn.

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Great read. Netflix strikes me as another case of movement start-up. Defining a category of streaming video, calling its competition sleep, asking its users and influencers (e.g John Oliver) to back net neutrality, evolving its movement to new original categories (reality, interactive) and global.

Pitting politics against start-ups feels like a false choice. Tesla benefited from political movement on sustainability energy that lobbied for industry subsidies. That took smart public sector employees to lay the conditions for the start-up to succeed. Similarly - SpaceX is a great public and private venture.

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Just brilliant.

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This, this is a beautiful post right here.

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Heart is the key to scale. Thanks for the article. Shared with all of our founders.

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I've read this dozens of times. The best post on startup marketing. Literally reference this weekly with my team.

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Great post but it is also chilling in a way that the greatest Ponzi schemes also follow these steps from attacking status quo to building teams, organizing events, working with influencers and finally staying grounded (for very long). :)

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Great job David, this is a blueprint for success that I will use in the coming months. ( Save this post because I told you so here) Bob Mather

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Great article, thank you.

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Great post. If you're a marketer, you should send it to your CEO.

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This article is very similar to what StrawberryFrog has been saying since 1999 😘

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Thank you, I'm writing about 'why' my company should exist, and this is a great framework to start with!

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This is a great read David.

Would you be able to share more examples of startups that have done great Movement Marketing (beyond Salesforce and Tesla) ? I think we can all learn a lot from good examples.

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Great article, thanks for sharing!

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Mission focused, simple & mindset changing piece 👌

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