David, this framework is extremely valuable. With the announcement of Craft III, what would you change in the deck to make it work for a Marketplace business (besides a greater focus on GMV)? Cheers!

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For me, ¨Finally, sales forecasts should be tracked using a waterfall chart so nobody forgets what was originally promised in relation to what was delivered¨ this is an extremely important metric, perhaps the most. I like the visual graphs which for some strange reason isn´t a part of other sales organizations methods. Thank you David for providing such good detailed info and not of euphemisms and fluff. These details are what helps.

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David thank you for the article, I know you already talked about this but I would love to know more about your experience with Product Market Fit. The last article (The paypal one) you wrote about it was fascinating. Thank you

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Beast of Beasts, David sacks the sultan of Saas. Great blog!

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David: This is extremely valuable. Wish I had this set of instructions when I was a first-time CEO. Sharing with companies I am an angel investor in.

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